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Denpasar, Bali
Selasa, 25 Maret 2025

Bali News

Bali News

Kembangkan Usaha, Penyedia Jasa Harus Manfaatkan Platform Digital

DENPASAR, BALIPOST.com - Penyedia jasa di Bali, seperti tukang memperbaiki AC, ledeng, hingga potong rambut, masih minim yang memanfaatkan layanan digital dalam memasarkan jasanya....

Kekayaan Herba Indonesia Dijadikan Bahan Mixology Berbasis Tanaman

MANGUPURA, BALIPOST.com - Ragam herban Indonesia merupakan kekayaan budaya yang memiliki sejarah panjang sehingga sangat layak diangkat dan diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat. Salah satunya lewat mixology...

Marine Conservation Efforts in Bukti Village: A Step Forward for Coral Reefs and Fisheries

SINGARAJA, BALIPOST.com - In a significant event from September 26 to 28, the community of Bukti Village in Bali showed their commitment to marine...

Special Event, Ngurah Rai International Airport to Be Re-dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace...

DENPASAR, BALIPOST.com - Ngurah Rai International Airport will be re-dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Airport at a special event on 8 February 2023,...

“Bali Bonk Ban” Issue, Tourists Asked Not to Worry

DENPASAR, BALIPOST.com - The stipulation of the Criminal Code (KUHP) has not only reaped contra opinion from within Indonesia, it has also been widely...

Commemorate Philippines-France Relationship, Museum Pasifika Lent Collection of Art to “Diamond in the Rough”

MANILA, BALIPOST.com - Museum Pasifika in Bali lent several artworks from the famous French artist Paul Gauguin, Tahitian bronze sculptures and paintings in this exhibition...

Sendai Focal Point Reception Held at Museum Pasifika

MANGUPURA, BALIPOST.com - The 7th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction organized by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) held in Bali...

La Favela x Johnnie Walker: Whiskey Dinner Events – Candi

MANGUPURA, BALIPOST.com - La Favela Bali is one of the most popular nightclubs and restaurants in Bali lately. It's so famous; you have to...

Czech couple pray in cleansing ritual after Bali temple antics

UBUD, BALIPOST.com - A Czech couple slammed for disrespecting a Balinese temple took part in a ritual purification ceremony Thursday, after their antics sparked warnings...

Bali Paragon Resort Hotel and BIWA Held Luncheon Charity

Jimbaran, BALIPOST.com - Bali Paragon Resort Hotel with BIWA (Bali International Women'sAssociation) collaborate to hold the BIWA's biggest Annual Event on Thursday, July 18...

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