MANGUPURA, BALIPOST.com — Regarding the existence of illegal landfill revealed due to fire incident some time ago, the Badung Environment and Sanitation Agency (DLHK) immediately closed the area. Other than closing, on Friday (Jun. 21) the DLHK team also conducted a site inspection and provided coaching for the owner of the illegal landfill located on Hilton Hill, Mumbul hamlet, Benoa, South Kuta.
When confirmed, Head of DLHK Badung, Putu Eka Merthawan, said the Environmental Detective Team of the agency accompanied by headman of Benoa, hamlet chief of Mumbul immediately provided guidance for the landowner I Wayan Kapur from Mumbul hamlet. Location of the illegal landfill, said Eka, covered an area of 2,800 square meters having been operating since three years ago.
“Last Friday, the team had been deployed to come down to the location. The landowner, hamlet chief and headman already signed an agreement to close the area. Besides, the landowner promised not to reopen the illegal landfill,” he said on Sunday (Jun. 23).
He emphasized if similar waste disposal activities will be found at the location, a firm action will be taken. In other words, if he returns to violate or keep throwing garbage at the location, the violation will be processed according to Law No. 18/2008 and Law No. 32/2008. Additionally, if later on a fire breaks out and causes disruption to others, the landowner must be responsible.
He said the reason for the landowner that did not dispose of garbage to Suwung Landfill is the community paid the services at low price. Moreover, the hamlet chief expected if the landowner indeed is not able to handle or dispose of the garbage to Suwung Landfill because of low fees it should be given to others to handle.
In the future, he will continuously supervise the existence of illegal landfill in South Kuta. He admitted the existence of illegal landfill in South Kuta continues to mushroom. “Before the Galungan holidays, three to four illegal landfills will be closed because of approaching rainy season. During rainy season, it will certainly result in unpleasant odors,” he said.
We will continue to provide legal pressure so as not to have a severe impact. If people violate the law, they will certainly face the law with a maximal punishment of 5 years and a fine of IDR 3 billion. “In this case, we from DLHK are no longer permissive in dealing with the environment. Certainly, we will still go through the process according to the procedure,” he concluded. (Yudi Karnaedi/balipost)