BRUSSELS, BALIPOST.com – EU leaders decided on Friday to draw up a list of Turkish targets for sanctions in response to Ankara’s prospecting for gas in Greek and Cypriot waters.”The council adopted sanctions in the face of Turkey’s ‘unilateral actions and provocations’,” French minister for European affairs Clement Beaune tweeted, citing the conclusions agreed by the bloc’s 27 leaders, as quoted from AFP.
A diplomat told AFP the sanctions would target individuals and that further measures could be imposed “if Turkey pursues its actions”. There will be disappointment in Athens that the leaders, meeting at a summit in Brussels, did not agree to seek an arms embargo or to target entire sector’s of Turkey’s economy.
But the conclusions, released by a European Council spokesman, called for a list to be drawn up of targets for “restrictive measures”. The leaders mandated chief EU diplomat Josep Borrell to prepare a report on more measures that could be taken to “expand the scope” of the action, to be submitted by next March.
“The idea is to turn the vice progressively,” a diplomat said.
“Turkey has engaged in unilateral actions and provocations and escalated its rhetoric against the EU, EU Member States and European leaders,” the leaders said.
“Turkish unilateral and provocative activities in the Eastern Mediterranean are still taking place, including in Cyprus’s exclusive economic zone.”
On the eve of the EU summit, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan dismissed the sanctions threat. “Turkey does not care much about any sanctions decision to be made by the EU,” he said.
“The EU has never treated us honestly. The EU has never stood by any promise it has given us but we always remained patient and we are still patient.” (kmb/balipost)